I have been playing one of my favourite internet games. It’s very simple: think of something – object, person, event, concept – and see if you can find someone on the internet who believes it’s evil. Today we have:
British humour is the downfall of man. there would be no sin in this world without the likes of the Holy Grail and the Life of Brian.
Suspiciously tall boy band members:
What Bill and Tom’s true names are is every Christian’s guess, but there is no mistake that they are Nephilim, the unholy offspring of a fallen angel and a human woman. Both are very tall and have unnaturally large hands, with Bill, the more powerful, towering over everyone in the band by a difference of at least ten inches.
Apple (and computers in general):
…your programming is based on the hebrew YA, who we know was satan in disguise. If you open an executable program with notepad,you’ll see all the y’s with two dots above meaning YAH.
Yoruba or the evil Voodoo language is also a part of pre-installed languages like Windows 7. Just as the voodoo open source Ubantu or Linux systesm. All the same game.
The so called ‘Mothers Day’ was observed in America first in 1914, the very year that Satan’s world ended and when he knew his time was short to get ready for the great battle of Armageddon. To induce people to bestow honor and worship upon mothers would be one step towards turning the people away from the worship of God, and this is one of his means of preparing Armageddon. On the face of it the arrangement of Mothers Day seems harmless and calculated to do good. But the people are in ignorance of Satan’s subtle hand in the matter, and that he is back of the movement, to turn the people away from God. The slogan is: “The best mother who ever lived”; the purpose being to establish creature worship, or at least to divert the attention of man from the proper worship of God.
(The quote is from the comments; the post itself concerns how men tipping their hats to women is Satanic. Because it makes women feel too important.)
This is an easy one – roughly 50% of the internet seems to believe he’s the Antichrist.
…Certainly more than any other before or since, Prince William is definitely that candidate for that Evil power who has waited for such a charismatic man with the right lineage, to possess.
…there are some Christian fundamentalists who have pointed out that should Prince William become King, he would be called King William V* and by taking the W as two V’s and the I’s and l’s as the roman numeral for one, they have constructed an unsettling anagram: I AM VI VI VI or I AM 666.
Dolls, owls, frogs, unicorns and paisley:
“Housecleaning” is what we call getting rid of anything in your home that may cause you demonic problems. Look through your home as you pray and the Lord will let you know what items need to be destroyed that have become an idol to you. Any type of collection – dolls (roots come from voodoo), owls and frogs (abominations to the Lord, as stated in the Bible), unicorns (lust and financial problems), etc. You may have only one or two of these items, but they are just as deadly as a collection. We have read and heard countless testimonies of what these items can do. Dolls levitate, walk and talk; owls caused cancer and when destroyed the person was totally healed. Please pray and seek the Lord regarding which items you must destroy.
…The paisley print is a satanic symbol from India, and also has a Catholic connection. satan wants to change the identity of man which is God’s love. satan wants to produce a beast incapable of love or feelings. If man wears satan’s labels, then satan has the right to attack.
And finally: what links Sarah Palin, Helen Keller and Bono?
Bono probably is Satan…
And even so, I can’t quite bring myself to entirely stand up against something that declares frogs as satanic and to be destroyed… [grin]
Awesome post.
Re the hand symbol, it’s ASL for “I love you”, a combination of the one-handed letter symbols for I, L and Y
Pictures of Jesus have been made with him making that symbol with his hand for deaf churchgoers