Fresh tasty virtual flies from the Web

I agree: it is wrong and disturbing that cartoon teeth have teeth themselves.

I am inordinately pleased that seminal gay film Prick Up Your Ears is on the chart of Films With Four or More Harry Potter Wizards In Them.

It is quite clear to me that the Mirrorcube treehouse is the coolest hotel room in the history of people paying to stay in rooms.

I did not know leprechaun trap cakes were a thing, but I wholeheartedly approve. Next step: a giant version of this cake that I can actually fall into and dig my way out of. Please.

‘Who’s buying the £1,300 horse hoof shoes?’ I think the answer has to be: very rich furries. It’s a niche market but clearly one well worth appealing to.

Comfort food is comforting. Who knew?(I’m being flippant. It is important to do studies even on things that seem obvious.)

The Brain Is Not An Explanation


One comment

  1. Ika says:

    Your links are always the best. Though I am completely terrified by the hoof shoes (possibly saw a stage production of equus at an impressionable age?)

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