Apologising to Fruit and Comedians
I am the kind of person who will apologise to anything. If I have to choose between one apple and another, I will say sorry to the apple I decide not to eat. Not out loud. That would be silly. Continue Reading

Everything is Satanic
I have been playing one of my favourite internet games. It's very simple: think of something - object, person, event, concept - and see if you can find someone on the internet who believes it's Continue Reading
The Interactive Guide to Bad Parenting
There is one experience above all others where one is constantly judged, criticised and ruthlessly blamed for every tiny mistake. And I don't mean Dancing on Ice. No, if you would like to wallow, Continue Reading
The Blues Kitchen: a subjective review
The Blues Kitchen and Bar is a restaurant-cum-bar-cum-live music venue, located at 111-113 Camden High Street. My friend Alan and I ate there last night, and paid £77 for two courses, four drinks, Continue Reading
I've just added a page about a few of the games I've made up for workshops or pub nights. If you end up using any of them, I'd love to know how it goes. Another game that two friends and I made up Continue Reading
Self publishing
You form a band and put out a record yourself, well, you’re indie. You’re doing it your way. Put out a film, you’re a DIY filmmaker, an independent artist, a guy who couldn’t be pinned down Continue Reading
I have been awake since 4.30am thinking about this.
I'm suffering from word fatigue. There too many of them and they never do precisely what you want. Or worse, you think they have, and when you come back later they've shuffled themselves around, so Continue Reading