
Kate Harrad: selling her soul to go to the ball.
Seven Morally Ambiguous Authority Figures in Musicals

Seven Morally Ambiguous Authority Figures in Musicals

The internet is not, in fact, for porn. (Or at least my internet isn't, thanks to my medium-strength safe search function which is designed to stop me encountering anything that might give me Continue Reading

Umbilical phone chargers and plush roadkill

You know what I really like? Things that look like other things, but are actually different things. Such as this van which is actually a tent and this cup of hot chocolate which is actually a Continue Reading

You May Experience A Burning Sensation

You May Experience A Burning Sensation

(Thanks to exchristian.net for republishing this on their site!)   As many of you will already be aware, this Saturday is an exciting day in the history of the world. According to the Continue Reading

In praise of the happily childless

In praise of the happily childless

So imagine you have a couple of friends. They're both fond of you and you're very fond of them, but you find hanging out with them a bit tiring because one of them wants to be looked after all the Continue Reading

Being Vincible

I'm not disabled: why am I taking part in a Blog Against Disablism day? Two reasons. Firstly, because it affects me. Secondly, because it doesn't. First things first: why does disablism Continue Reading

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