Like 499,999 other people, I went on the March for the Alternative on Saturday. I don't have any exciting stories to tell about it, but perhaps that's worth saying in itself. I went with my family - Continue Reading
Fresh tasty virtual flies from the Web
I agree: it is wrong and disturbing that cartoon teeth have teeth themselves. I am inordinately pleased that seminal gay film Prick Up Your Ears is on the chart of Films With Four or More Harry Continue Reading

The Candlelight Club
I like my sleep. I find it healthful, life-giving and full of interesting dreams about tiny rainbow-coloured Nazi ponies (don't ask). Therefore, given that I am currently woken up between 6.30 and Continue Reading

How I Stopped Thinking Goblin Kings Made Good Parents
Pregnancy is a perfectly normal experience which is also just about the weirdest thing that can happen to you. What other life experience involves your eyeballs changing shape? Not to mention the Continue Reading

No sense of history, no sense of truth
The creator of Midsomer Murders, Brian True-May, has been suspended for his comments about the lack of non-white faces on the show. Asked about the whiteness of the village in which the show Continue Reading
Tasty virtual flies from the Web
Would you sell a minute of your life for £1? I totally would. And if that means an hour of my life is worth £60, you can have one of those too. No? Oh, go on. This is a skull chair that is Continue Reading
The imaginary 5am baby
I was woken up at 5am today by a noise. These are the thoughts that went through my head in the next ten seconds: - Was that the sound of a knock on the front door? - Can't be. Who would knock on Continue Reading

Things to make your life more fun, an ongoing series
- Car eyelashes. When I showed these to my daughter, she said "No Mummy, you're not allowed to get these," and did an improvised interpretative dance called "Eyelashes on Cars are Really Continue Reading

Courage and pluck, courage and pluck
I know it's a truism that courage isn't the absence of fear, it's overcoming fear. But I remember being very struck the first time I came across the idea. (Which I always thought was in The Screwtape Continue Reading